Europa Universalis IV: Wealth Of Nations Collection


Requires the base gameNationsEuropa Universalis IV in order to play. Activation key mustbe used on a valid Steam account, requires internet connection.

Europa Universalis Iv Free

The empire building game Europa Universalis IV gives you control of a nation to guide through the years in order to create a dominant global empire. Rule your nation through the centuries, with unparalleled freedom, depth and historical accuracy. Sort By Most Relevant. The tags customers have most frequently applied to Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations Collection have also been applied to these products: $49.99 More like this. Mar 04, 2020 Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations expansion feature spotlight by EU4's project lead Thomas 'Besuchov' Johansson. The Wealth of Nations expansion DLC was announced on 2014-01-27 and was released on 2014-05-29. The expansion focuses on trade and conflict drivers. A wealth of Nations is the second expansion for the critically praised strategy game Europa Universalis IV, focusing on trade and how to make the wealth of the world flow into your coffers.

ABOUT THE GAMEWealth of NationsEuropa universalis iv: wealth of nations collection agency is the second expansion for the criticallypraised strategy game Europa Universalis IV, focusing on trade andhow to make the wealth of the world flow into your coffers. Theexpansion allows you to create trade conflicts in secret, stealfrom your competitors with the use of privateers, use peacetreaties to gain trade power and create a new trade capital tostrengthen your grasp over trade.

Europa Universalis Iv: Wealth Of Nations Collection Agency

The age of exploration is brought to life in this epic game oftrade, diplomacy, warfare and exploration by Paradox DevelopmentStudio, the Masters of Strategy. Europa Universalis IV gives youcontrol of a nation to rule an empire that lasts through theages.
KEY FEATURESEuropa Universalis IV: Wealth Of Nations Collection
  • Use covert diplomatic action to create trade conflicts:Bring out your negotiating skills and explore new diplomatic waysto justify and force trade conflicts against your competition

  • Steal from your competitors with the use of privateers:Dare to hire privateers that will steal trade from your competitorsby leaching trade into a pirate nation. But if you do, know thatthis will increase the risk of war since your competitors will havea just cause for war.

  • Create a new trade capital & strengthen your trade:Designate a specific port as your main trade capital, separatelyfrom your country’s capital, in a coastal province within the samecontinent.

  • Improved trading in inland nodes: Merchants placed ininland trade nodes gets increased bonus in proportion to yourcountry’s trade efficiency and will increase your possibilities totrade in faraway inland trade nodes.

  • Establish East India Companies: Strengthen your tradenetwork and reach faraway lands by establishing East IndiaCompanies.

  • Launch massive projects to build the Suez, Kiel orPanama Canals to create new sea routs across the oceans.

  • Pick which personal diety to follow when playing as ahindu ruler.

Europa Universalis Iv Guide

Europa Universalis Iv: Wealth Of Nations Collection Agency

System requirements