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Previous devblogs: JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugust We haven't had a devblog in a while and we've been pretty silent this month, so we decided it's probably a good time to let everyone know (both backer and not) what is going on! August to nowWe'll fill in the blanks about what happened with the devblogs after August. In your last devblog you announced the siege game mode, so where did it go? Long story short it became clear that fitting siege into the mix may have compromised the quality of all gamemodes once release came around. We decided to shelve it and instead work on polishing up our ship modes as our first priority, since it is naval battles that make Blackwake the game it is. Alas, it is not gone! Siege is one of many ideas that we want to do and we simply don't have time to squeeze them all in before release. We're excited to introduce more fun gamemodes post-release in free content updates to keep the game healthy, with siege set to be the first. Why did you stop doing devblogs? Devblogs stopped because we weren't really adding large new features and shifted to stomping out bugs in existing content and working on stability. At about the middle of September we began testing very often and doing quick iterations on bug fixes. The notes were updated on our Reddit sticky here. These patches included small chunks of content such as the fleet gamemode which is a 3 ship vs 3 ship team deathmatch with mixed ship types. Alpha 10 & Going forward
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Download 'Blackwake Kickstarter Trailer - Pirate FPS Game' Download video 'Blackwake Kickstarter Trailer - Pirate FPS Game' directly from youtube. Just chose the format and click on the button 'Download'. After few moments will be generated link to download video and you can start downloading. Do you want to download only audio in MP3 format? Blackwake Official Soundtrack $5.99 Add all DLC to Cart. About This Game Blackwake is a multiplayer naval FPS focused on teamwork and cooperation. Fire cannons, sink ships or board them with FPS combat; 54 Players, small and large ships. Crews up to 13 players; Maintain your ship, make repairs, reload & resupply cannons.